Invested in Canada

Connecting with Clients at InvestOps USA 2025

Connecting with Clients at InvestOps USA 2025

As Canada’s leader in asset servicing, we are pleased to connect with investment servicing clients and prospects from across North America at InvestOps USA, March 11-12, 2025 to showcase the strength of our products, commitment to innovation and local Canadian market knowledge.

Our industry recognizes the imperative to optimize operations and processes to remain competitive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. As Canada’s asset servicing business undergoes a tech revolution, data transformation emerges as a critical driver of success. With advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence and cloud-native platforms, coupled with the expertise of technology and service allies, Canadian asset managers and pension plans can unlock unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation.

The following resources are included for CIBC Mellon’s clients and prospective institutional investors into Canada to offer an understanding of some of the key technology themes that we are exploring together in collaboration with fintechs participating at InvestOps.

If you would like to learn more or participate at one of our future events, please speak with your CIBC Mellon client management contact.

This article is provided for general information purposes only and CIBC Mellon and its affiliates make no representations or warranties as to its accuracy or completeness, nor do any of them take any responsibility for third parties to which reference may be made. This article should not be regarded as legal, accounting, investment, financial or other professional advice nor is it intended for such use.

About CIBC Mellon

CIBC Mellon is a Canadian company exclusively focused on the investment servicing needs of Canadian institutional investors and international institutional investors into Canada. Founded in 1996, CIBC Mellon is 50-50 jointly owned by The Bank of New York Mellon (BNY) and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC). CIBC Mellon's investment servicing solutions for institutions and corporations are provided in close collaboration with our parent companies, and include custody, multicurrency accounting, fund administration, recordkeeping, pension services, exchange-traded fund services, securities lending services, foreign exchange processing and settlement, and treasury services.

As at December 31, 2024, CIBC Mellon had more than C$3 trillion of assets under administration on behalf of banks, pension funds, investment funds, corporations, governments, insurance companies, foreign insurance trusts, foundations and global financial institutions whose clients invest in Canada. CIBC Mellon is part of the BNY network, which as at December 31, 2024 had US$52.1 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration. CIBC Mellon is a licensed user of the CIBC trade-mark and certain BNY trade-marks, and is the corporate brand of CIBC Mellon Trust Company.

For more information – including CIBC Mellon's latest knowledge leadership on issues relevant to institutional investors active in Canada – visit