Our Thinking
Insights and big ideas from CIBC Mellon and BNY, designed to help institutional investors in Canada navigate today's complex market and regulatory environment.
What Solution Fits Your Business Model?
July 2020
The global investment industry continues to grapple with waves of disruption, including the rapid shift to remote working amongst the pandemic accelerating strategic and business challenges that have been growing for years.
Summary of Temporary Tax Measures to Support Canadian Residents and Businesses
July 2020
In response to challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Simon Lee, Vice President of Tax at CIBC Mellon prepared a summary of temporary tax measures to support clients during this time.
Evolving ESG Evaluations: Considerations and Changing Expectations
July 2020
Amidst ongoing global uncertainty, institutional investors continue to seek investments that shelter their capital from risks while also generating strong returns.
The Mounting Migration to Standardization
June 2020
Canada is home to a wide array of asset managers, asset owners, insurance companies and other institutional investors at varying places along a continuum of complexity and sophistication. Institutional investors large and small face common challenges around capturing, measuring and reporting investment information sourced from and delivered to a multitude of systems and people.
Delivering Data and Analytics in a Time of Change
June 2020
The investment management landscape continues to change rapidly amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Mounting regulation, technological advancement, changing client demands, business transformation initiatives, and industry consolidation are presenting asset managers with both new opportunities and new risks.